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Rubber expansion joints are designed to relieve mechanical stressors; they can be made from many materials including stainless steel, Polytetrafluoroethylene and braided flexible metal. Rubber expansion joints are particularly beneficial due to its flexible nature, which makes them suitable for many functions, including the absorption of sound, thermal energy and shock. Our rubber expansion joints are specifically designed to reduce the need for maintenance, repair and manual assistance.

Rubber Expansion Joints Features:

● Robust design with integral rubber flanges for secure connections

● Available in multiple rubber elastomers from stock, with specials easily available

● Available with optional control unit tie rods to prevent overextension

● Moves in both axial and lateral offset directions

● Eliminate electrolysis between dissimilar metals

● Relieve system strain due to thermal change, load stress, pumping

Rubber Expansion Joints Applications:

● Any lower temperature systems requiring thermal expansion, settlement, or other movement where chemically compatible

● Compensation of misalignment

Temperature: 250°F for EPDM & Butyl , 230°F for Neoprene, 212°F for Nitrile