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At 13:30 on July 12, the 2018 meeting of the Dredging Equipment Professional Committee of China Dredging Association was held in Guangzhou Building.

More than 40 experts from the dredging equipment committee attended the meeting. Wang Yi, deputy general manager of CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Ship Co., Ltd., presided over the meeting. Secretary of Science and Technology Management Department of Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard Co., Ltd., Secretary-General of the Association’s Dredging Equipment Committee Qiu Bingzhen, Deputy Director of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation No. 7-8, and Deputy Director of CCCC Technical Center Ding Shuyou, Chen Guojian, manager of the Shanghai Advanced Technology Research Center of the French Bureau of Shipping (BV), and the Secretary-General of the Association, Qian Xianguo, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.
The meeting reviewed and approved the “Work Summary of the Dredging Equipment Professional Committee in 2017 and the Work Arrangement in 2018”. During 2017, the Chinese Dredging Association Dredging Equipment Professional Committee (referred to as the Equipment Committee) under the guidance of the Association, in coordination with the member units, guided by the scientific concept of development, promoted development through innovation, promoted popularization, and promoted advanced dredging technology and dredging equipment in China. As a goal, while actively participating in the technical exchange activities organized by the association, combined with the actual development of the industry, actively organize academic discussion on dredging equipment, carry out various dredging technical exchange activities, create an innovative atmosphere of equipment special committee, and improve the equipment technology of the industry. Enhance the vitality, innovation and influence of the association.
The meeting reviewed and approved the “Report on the Preparation of Group Standards for Dredging Equipment Professional Committee”. Review and approve the resolution on amending the statute of the China Dredging Association Dredging Equipment Professional Committee.
Ding Shuyou, executive deputy director of CCIC Technical Center, made a special exchange report titled “Development of Heavy-duty Dredging Equipment and Self-propelled Dredging Dredger “Tianhaohao” R&D and Design and Construction Achievements.” The main innovation and advancement of the nickname “dredger”. Director Ding said that the research and development of “Tianhao” successfully filled the gap in the key technology of China’s heavy-duty self-propelled cutters, breaking the monopoly of a few developed countries and driving The enhancement of the application capabilities of new equipment, new processes, new materials and information control technologies has promoted the development of China’s dredging industry and shipbuilding industry, and has enhanced the core competitiveness of China’s dredging enterprises.
Chen Guojian, manager of the Shanghai Advanced Technology Research Center of the French Classification Society (BV), gave a special exchange report entitled “Technology Progress of Dredgers and Application Prospects of Intelligent Technology”. The report introduces the BV intelligent ship development plan, the application of numerical pools on dredgers, the classification of intelligent ships, and discusses the potential applications of smart connected ships. Through examples, the paper introduces the substantial reduction of enterprise costs brought by smart ships and looks forward to the development prospects of smart ships.
During the meeting, the Secretary-General of the Association, Qian Xianguo, issued a certificate to the members of the Dredging Equipment Professional Committee.
Secretary-General Qian made a concluding speech at the end of the meeting. Secretary-General Qian first thanked the experts of the special committee for their long-term support for the work of the association and the tremendous efforts made by Wenchong Shipyard for the preparation of this intelligent meeting. He said that the dredging equipment professional committee is a very important technological innovation platform for the Chinese dredging industry, and the responsibility is very heavy. In the past year, the special committee has been working closely, with close links, good coordination and remarkable results. The development of dredging industry from small to large, from loose to complete, and growth is obvious to all, these are inseparable from the support and promotion of industry experts. We are experiencing a leap, market needs and demand levels are improving, so we need to gather the power of the industry, integrate resources, form a consensus, and jointly promote the industry forward. Finally, Secretary Qian expressed that he hopes that the equipment professional committee can build an influential innovation platform, build a cohesive work system, recommend a group of advanced innovations, and form a living working mechanism. Industry innovation and progress make positive contributions.
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